Part-time work is power-time work

Isn’t it time we rebranded part-time work?

Part-time work is power-time work.

In a recent Working Parents Network event, with special guest Emma Mclean, we had a hearty conversation about part-time work.

It isn't a feminine form of work, it is universal. Will a rebrand help more people, from wider demographics, seek power-time roles? Will it support more of us to better manage the demands in our lives while also doing excellent quality, well paid work? Will it make a mark on the stubborn nature of our gender and ethnic pay gaps?

At our Working Parents Network, we agreed that part-time work needed a rebrand to truly reflect its value and position. We tested out this alternative label "power-time" work. We not only tested it, we all adopted it immediately, readily and with great enthusiasm. By the end of the hour, we were all using it fluently and gladly. It was that easy. We experienced it as a better label, it was easy to understand and it took very little effort to switch.

There is power in language. Power in our words. There is power in changing the label of part-time work to power-time work.

Will you adopt power-time over part-time in your workplace?


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